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hi everyone i’m a pimo elder ex bethelite and pioneer who has been having doubts for many years.
as of late i’ve come to have even more doubts mainly due to the gb pushing the vaccines and acting like salesman for big pharma companies .
i will never take these vaccines even if it meant i couldn’t go to the hall as was previously said but the gb have done a big u turn on this now.
Welcome. Are you able to tell us in which country you are based?
14 jesus provides wise direction in times of crisis.
the benefits of that direction were evident when the covid-19 pandemic broke out.
while many in the world were uncertain about what course to take, jesus made sure that we received clear guidance to keep us safe.
Watchtower February 2017 Page 26 par 12:-
12 The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870.
If they're not inspired how does Jesus communicate with the these guys? As for not being infallible, they tell their followers to obey even if it seems unreasonable.
sorry if this has been discussed before but on quora someone asked if rutherford had said that dinosaurs had been taken to venus .
i assume that the questioner had heard it somewhere and wanted to check it out.
i've never come across this before is it true ?
The Awake! was discontinued for economic reasons as well as lack of credibility.
The Awake! is still going, see link below for the latest edition. Without it, countless JW's would not have a University equivalent education.
Awake! Magazine, No. 1 2022 | A World in Turmoil—How You Can Cope (jw.org)
phone call to us.
attend meeting, wear mask, distance, get shots.
every one was said to be nobodies business.
Here in the UK it's just been announced that 4.9 million people has Covid, about 1 in 13.
How is it possible to step outside without coming into contact with someone that is infected? Out of concern for brothers i will be staying at home. (Hint of sarcasm)
the articles on the jw-cd which only go back to 1950 where we fought back the attacks.
i do not understand why they did not continue to blast our bible since it is such a fraud....down south in usa churches teach members how to refute dubs at their door.....but why did they stop blasting the nwt?
it is sooooooo easy to show a dub there is a bunch of made up crap in it.....i may have to help my local chruches.....if you need more info about the horrible fraud parts, feel free to pm me.........................oompa......even elders dont know
Most JW's these days know very little about the Bible and just accept the RNWT without question. I've heard brothers say it's the best translation in the world but when I once a brother to show me an example he took offense and stormed off.
BTW great to see a topic from old OOMPA. I was very sad when he died, as a fellow biker that could have me.
first of all… i am ok. i was robbed at the gas station this morning.
after my hands stopped trembling, i managed to call the police.
they were quick to respond and calmed me down, but all my money is gone.
Here in the UK £1.65 Petrol/litre, £1.79 Diesel/litre.
How does that compare?
pomo-c. physically-out-mentally-out... of cult .
Polish Migrants Organise for Change
UK organisation supports Polish women in UK
i'm sick, i can't attend meetings.
1. Since some publishers may have concerns about attending meetings in person, please contact
each family in your group to answer any questions that they may have. (sfl chap. 7 par. 2
pt. 1) Listen with empathy, and address any needs with kindness and patience. (Jas. 1:19) Also,
for the safety of each publisher, orally share the reminders in the announcement in paragraph
1 of the “For Coordinators of the Bodies of Elders” section of this document. Personal choices
regarding whether to attend in person should be respected
Another case of if it's not in writing we cannot be held responsible.
i’d like to marry my best friend of 30+ years, turned ‘secret’ girlfriend of 1 ½ years who is a jehovah’s witness, born into it, baptized and an active ‘pioneer’.
our marriage would happen prior to letting any of her jw friends and cohorts know that we are together.
once married she may simply come forward and ‘admit’ or we may wait until it’s found out – one way or the other, the reason for this marriage is not customary – i am hoping that by doing so she can avoid being ‘marked’ or possibly ‘disfellowshipped’ once our relationship is no longer a secret and due to our already being married at that point, there can be no notion from society elders about her ending the relationship.
After a lifetime in this religion and still trapped because of family, let me tell you something. BTW my parents were baptised in the 1940's and little George was never going to school in this old system.
Even if your GF manages to avoid being DF'ed (highly unlikely) and remains a pioneer (not a chance) what sort of married life can you expect? She will not want to associate with your "worldly" friends and you will definitely not want to associate with her JW friends. What happens come Christmas and birthdays? What happens when it is Regional Convention time? Does she go alone or do you tag along and go shopping while she is in the sessions? What happens if there is an emergency and one of you requires a blood transfusion?
My simple piece of advice is RUN LIKE HELL! You will thank me one day even if I'm pushing up the daisies!
jws believe that today, the time we live in is the worst time ever in history.
i know cause i just had a jw tell me yesterday this was the case.
he pointed to covid, the russian-ukraine war, the high gas prices and the food shortage happening.
Things have been bad over the last two years with Covid and the Russia/Ukraine problems.
However, just remember WW2, it went on for six years! Bombings all over Britain, soldiers going to fight and never returning or returning with dreadful physical/mental issues. The death toll was horrendous. The food shortages and deprivations continued long after the end of the war, I remember the ration books well into the 1950's. Then petrol was rationed because of the Suez crisis, my father had a motorbike so he got half a gallon per week.
End time religions like JW's just pray for wars and earthquakes or other natural disasters just to keep the membership up or the lax ones returning.